Sweeter Than Sweet Cure

  • Sweeter Than Sweet Cure
$23.99 - $99.36
Shipping Weight:
49.50 LBS
Salt, Cane and Brown Sugar, Maple Sugar (100% Maple Syrup), Sodium Nitrite (0.84%), and less than 2% Glycerin added to prevent caking.
Use 1.75 lbs of cure per gallon of water for a 10% pump.


Sweeter than Sweet Cure

Excalibur Seasoning

Walton's Best-Selling cure for Hams! If you are looking to make a professional style and quality ham this is the cure you want! To use as a pump you will use 1.75 lb of cure to a gallon of water for a 10% pump.


  • Mix 1.75 lbs of cure per gallon of water for a 10% pump.
  • Since this is formulated as a 10% pump that will cure 100.8 lb of hams. 1 gallon weighs 8.33 lb + 1.75 lb of seasoning is 10.08 lb of solution, this gives you enough to increase the weight of 100 lb of hams by 10%
  • Inject ham starting at thinner side, moving down the bone in 4 places
  • Once you have reached the bottom inject in 4 spots around the circumfrance of the thick side
  • Hold the injected ham in a 50% strength cover solution, this allows the cure you injected the time it needs to equalize within the meat (optional)
  • The reason you should not hold with plain water is that it would leach out some of the cure (optional)
  • Visit How To Make Homemade Smoked Ham on Meatgistics for more information.


  • Available in 5 or 45 lb quantities
  • Use 1.75 lb of cure to gallon of water for 10% pump
  • Great for Hams or other cured products

View our full Seasonings Conversion Chart to measure out smaller 1 lb or 5 lb batches with other seasonings.

Meatgistics - Walton's Learning Center

Learn about How to Make Homemade Cured and Smoked Ham in the Walton's Learning Center. Plus, join in on the Walton's Community and ask questions about any related to meat.

Walton’s Meat Recipes

Find Walton’s Meat Recipes for snack sticks, summer sausage, jerky, hams, bacon, and many more delicious meat snacks in the Walton's Learning Center at Meatgistics: Walton's Online Community

What is Ham?

Ham comes from the upper portion of a pig’s hind leg. It is made into a smoked and cured meat product by salting, curing, or injecting and then smoking. It can be made as a whole muscle meat product or it can be made into a boneless re-structured product. This recipe will cover making a whole bone-in ham.

Meat Processing FAQ - Answers for Issues or Questions

Do you have questions or issues with your sausage, jerky, or cured meat processing? Walton's and Meatgistics created an FAQ Processing Document that covers the most common issues with meat processing. We included the most likely causes of the issue and what can be done to fix it or prevent it from happening when you are processing in the future!

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