Waltons Smoker Soaker

Smoking meat or fish is an art form that requires patience, skill, and the right equipment. One of the key factors in achieving a successful smoke is maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level inside the smoker. While there are various methods for adding humidity to a smoker, using a humidity towel is a simple and effective solution. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of humidity in the smoking process and why a Walton's Smoker Soaker is the best option for achieving the perfect smoke.

Smoking meat or fish is an art form that requires patience, skill, and the right equipment. One of the key factors in achieving a successful smoke is maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level inside the smoker. While there are various methods for adding humidity to a smoker, using a humidity towel is a simple and effective solution. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of humidity in the smoking process and why a Walton's Smoker Soaker is the best option for achieving the perfect smoke.

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Smoking meat or fish is an art form that requires patience, skill, and the right equipment. One of the key factors in achieving a successful smoke is maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level inside the smoker. While there are various methods for adding humidity to a smoker, using a humidity towel is a simple and effective solution. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of humidity in the smoking process and why a Walton's Smoker Soaker is the best option for achieving the perfect smoke.

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Save Hours on your Smoking Schedule

When smoking or slow-cooking meat, you will always run into the stall. This is when the meat expels water from the proteins, which then travels to the surface of the sausage or whole muscle cut and cools the meat down by evaporating, just as your body does with sweat.

So, how can you overcome this? You have 3 options. 1st is to raise the temperature of the smoker, 2nd is just to wait it out. Both of these options have drawbacks; you chance running your product or adding hours onto your cooking time. The 3rd and best option is to increase the humidity in your smoker. Increasing the humidity in any environment makes it more difficult for the moisture on the surface of your meat to evaporate, meaning it cannot cool the temperature of the meat down.

Now, fancy commercial smokers have this ability built-in, but what can you do at home? Adding a Walton’s Smoker Soaker to your process speeds up your cooking time and keeps your meat from drying out.


Place the Smoker Soaker in your smokers water pan with foil or enclosed tray below it. The wicking material of the towel will draw the water from the water pan. Walton’s Smoker Soaker is designed to allow fast evaporation and increase the humidity in your home smoker. Make sure you rinse the towel before use and clean thoroughly after use. The towel will become stiff when it is fully dried.

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Waltons Smoker Soaker

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Using a Smoker Soaker is a simple yet effective way to add moisture to your at-home meat smoker. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned smoker, maintaining the right humidity levels is crucial to achieving juicy, tender, and flavorful meat. With a Smoker Soaker, you can easily regulate your smoker's humidity and elevate your smoking game. So next time you fire up your smoker, don't forget to grab your trusty Walton’s Smoker Soaker!

Walton's Smoker Soaker is on sale now at waltons.com.

22nd Jun 2023 Justin Thompson

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