Elizabeth Gunneson 11-Year Anniversary

Elizabeth Gunneson 11-Year Anniversary

Recognizing employee anniversaries is an important part of building a strong company culture, and at Walton Inc., we take this practice seriously. By acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our employees year after year, we not only show our appreciation for their contributions but we also create a sense of family within our organization. In this blog post, we'll recognize Elizabeth Gunneson, who this month is celebrating 11 years here at Walton’s.

Recognizing employee anniversaries is an important part of building a strong company culture, and at Walton Inc., we take this practice seriously. By acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our employees year after year, we not only show our appreciation for their contributions but we also create a sense of family within our organization. In this blog post, we'll recognize Elizabeth Gunneson, who this month is celebrating 11 years here at Walton’s.

The Start

Below is a write-up from Elizabeth about her time at Walton’s:

“I started with Walton’s in May of 2012 as a customer service representative. Walton’s came into my life at the perfect time. My husband had recently lost his job, and we were in a tough spot. I did not want to go back into a call center setting, but sometimes you’ve got to do things you don’t want to do. I had a few different interviews set up with various call centers and with Walton’s. Fortunately for me, Walton’s offered me the job, and I haven’t looked back. My husband even got offered a side job to help Walton's move to our current location. He has been employed with the company ever since and is currently our Warehouse Manager. I spent 9 years in customer service and was able to build some great relationships with many of our customers. 2 years ago, I was offered a position in our purchasing department, and I jumped at the opportunity. It has been great learning different aspects of the business and really expanding my knowledge. I really enjoy working and building relationships with our vendors. My previous knowledge of our customer service operations has been very beneficial in my new position.”

“I am like most people and have had some jobs I really couldn’t stand. I have some jobs where I know I was another cog in the machine. You hear it a lot, but Walton’s really does care about its employees and truly treats us like family. I’ll give you a couple of examples.”

“When I first started working for Walton’s (within my first few weeks) my son got very sick and had to be hospitalized. I was so worried about losing the job and didn’t know how I would possibly provide for my family. I will never forget my supervisor telling me “Don’t worry about it Elizabeth. Go take care of your son. Your job is safe, just let me know what you need.” A lot of places say they treat their employees like family. How many companies would do that?

“A couple years later we had issues with finding childcare for my son. Walton’s was gracious enough to allow me to bring him to work with me so that I could continue to work and earn for a living. My coworkers and my supervisor even helped take care of him throughout the day. Now that is what I call treating you like family. Without the generosity that Walton’s had given me I don’t know where I would be today.”

Best Memory

“My best memory with Walton’s is when the owner and CEO invited all employees to come over to his house for dinner and games several years back. My son was playing with some other kids in a tree line and sunk waist deep into mud. I will never forget all of the employees and their families laughing as Brett hosed off my mud covered son. The craziest part of the whole thing is my son is now 16 and he also works for Walton’s. There are family businesses and then there are FAMILY businesses. I will forever be grateful that Walton’s welcomed me into their family.

- Elizabeth Gunneson

18th May 2023 Justin Thompson

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