Granulated Garlic
Garlic is one of the best and most often used spices in cooking. The 5 lb bags of Granulated Garlic are a great way to speed up your cooking process by eliminating the need of peeling and chopping your garlic, simply add to your pan or pot while cooking and you are good to go!
- 5 lb bag
- 5 bags to a case
Walton’s Meat Recipes
Find Walton’s Meat Recipes for snack sticks, summer sausage, jerky, hams, bacon, and many more delicious meat snacks in the Walton's Learning Center at Meatgistics: Walton's Online Community
Meat Processing FAQ - Answers for Issues or Questions
Do you have questions or issues with your sausage, jerky, or cured meat processing? Walton's and Meatgistics created an FAQ Processing Document that covers the most common issues with meat processing. We included the most likely causes of the issue and what can be done to fix it or prevent it from happening when you are processing in the future!