If you are looking to make a smaller sausage that will fit easily into a bun, then Walton's 31mm Cellulose Hot Dog Casings are exactly what you need! An inedible product that is designed to be a sausage or hot dog casing the product can be safely cooked in and then easily removed and peel off to produce the skinless product you are looking for. Each strand is 84 feet long and can hold 25 lb of meat. These are also smoke permeable!
Meat Processing FAQ - Answers for Issues or Questions
Do you have questions or issues with your sausage, jerky, or cured meat processing? Walton's and Meatgistics created an FAQ Processing Document that covers the most common issues with meat processing. We included the most likely causes of the issue and what can be done to fix it or prevent it from happening when you are processing in the future!